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A More Mindful Hospital - Artwork

We invite you to help nurture a more peaceful and mindful environment within our hospital by placing these beautifully designed mindfulness artwork in your BC Children's Hospital (BCCH) workspace. 

Cost: Free, a gift to support cultivating A More Mindful Hospital.

How to order your artwork

1. Please review the artwork you would like to order.
2. Please review the POD Space, Signage and Artwork Guidelines.
3. Obtain required approval to hang artwork in your BC Children's Hospital (BCCH) workspace.

Children's & Women's Hospital: Requires FMO Maintenance approval.
Teck Acute Care Centre: Requires building maintenance approval, please complete the Teck Minor Works request form and send to: .

4. Complete order form and upload approval.
5. We will contact you with an update on order status and will ensure they are delivered to you with care.
6. We would love to see photos of the updated space.

Complete order form

Be Medicine

Artwork #1: Be Medicine

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners
Size:11W x 17H inches, 6mm thick

Artwork #2: Breathe

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners
Size:39W x 14H inches, 6mm thick
Enjoy Every Bite

Artwork #3: Enjoy Every Bite

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners
Size:10H × 10H inches, 6mm thick
Loving Kindness

Artwork #4: Loving Kindness

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners.
Size:20W × 20H inches, 6mm thick
Quality of Being

Artwork #5: Quality of Being

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners.
Size:10W x 10H inches, 6mm thick
Stop meditation

Artwork #6: STOP

Material:Acrylic with rounded corners
Size:20H × 20H inches, 6mm thick

Artwork Order Form

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.
Re-order Item Quantity Weight Operations
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Mindful Artwork

Why "Enjoy Every Bite"?

Learning how to appreciate and savour our food with all of our senses, nourishing our bodies and our hearts. 

Why "STOP"?

This simple and short practice invites us to pause before reacting, creating a space for a more mindful response.

Why "Loving Kindness"?

Cultivating intentions of compassion and non-harm in service work, especially in moments of moral distress. 

Why "Breathe"?

The breath is a wonderful gift that invites us to live fully in the present moment, getting in touch with our joy, and also holding our s

Why "Quality of Being"?

Our inner state shapes how we show up in the world.