Join the BC Children's Hospital (BCCH) Centre for Mindfulness (the Centre) community as we cultivate a more mindful hospital.

Join Us
Join Us
We hope to increase the awareness and practice of mindfulness to support the lives of staff, patients, and caregivers at BC Children's Hospital. Here are a few of our programs:
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursday
Thankful Thursdays are weekly, twenty-minute virtual drop-in mindfulness practice sessions for all PHSA staff on Thursdays from 12:35 – 12:55pm. Learn More
Mindful Healing
Mindful Healing
Mindful Healing teaches formal and informal mindfulness skills for health professionals that can impact our practice of medicine in three interrelated areas: quality of care, quality of caring, and clinician well-being. Learn more
MARS-A (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Adolescents)
MARS-A (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Adolescents)
This program is for adolescents age 15-19 with psychological distress (depression and/or anxiety), with or without co-occurring chronic illness and chronic pain. Goals include teaching skills to manage stress and pain associated with chronic medical conditions. Learn more
MARS-PC (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Parents & Caregivers)
MARS-PC (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Parents & Caregivers)
This program is devoted to parents and caregivers of children and youth who are receiving care at BCCH. The intention of the group is to help parents be at their best while caring for their loved one. Learn more
Professional Development & Mentoring
Professional Development & Mentoring
The Centre offers opportunities to health professionals for mindfulness mentoring, teaching, and facilitation. Participants will learn to facilitate Centre for Mindfulness programs and develop mindfulness teaching and facilitation skills. Learn more
Become a MARS-PC Ambassador
Become a MARS-PC Ambassador
Parents and caregivers interested in MARS-PC must be referred by a MARS-PC Ambassador. Any health professional at BCCH can become a MARS-PC Ambassador by joining a brief MARS-PC Info Session.
Our Partners
Our Partners
The following are some of the partners working with the Centre including:

- BC Children’s Hospital Foundation
- Adolescent Health & Medicine, BCCH
- Health Promotion & Health Literacy, BCCH
- Mental Health and Substance Use Services, BCCH
- Mental Health Outpatient Programs, BCCH
- Reproductive Mental Health, BCCH
- Research Institute, BCCH

- Indigenous Health, C&W
- Learning & Development, C&W
- Spiritual Health, C&W
- Psychology, C&W and Sunny Hill Health Centre
- Women's Health Research Institute

- Office of Safety and Wellness, PHSA
- Psychological Health and Safety, PHSA
External Partners
External Partners
- ChildKind International
- Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education
- The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Mindfulness Project
- Mindful Practice Canada
- Ronald Mcdonald House Charities
- Simon Fraser University
- UBC Department of Pediatrics Communications
Partner with Us
Partner with Us
Have a mindfulness collaboration or project in mind? We would love to explore your ideas with you. Let’s connect.