The Centre for Mindfulness (the Centre) provides opportunities for health professionals to learn to facilitate mindfulness programs and sessions. We recognize that mindfulness teaching and facilitating and program development is a lifelong continuing journey, and practitioners at every level of experience can learn with each other with “beginner’s mind.”
Health professionals can learn to facilitate:
- Mindful Healing
- MARS-A (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Adolescents)
- MARS-PC (Mindful Awareness & Resilience Skills for Parents & Caregivers)
- Thankful Thursdays
Professional Development Scholarship
The Centre offers Professional Development Scholarships for staff at BC Children’s and Women’s Hospital to develop their mindfulness teaching and facilitation skills.
Learn more about our scholarships here.
(Co-) Facilitation Opportunity
The Centre for Mindfulness team is looking for a physician interested in facilitating or co-facilitating Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) groups for partners of mothers affected by postpartum depression and anxiety (PPDA).