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Here is a collection of resources that has been specifically curated with parents and caregivers in mind.

Podcast - A Mindful Approach to Parenting & Caregiving

In this episode from the Kelty Centre's Where You Are podcast, you'll hear how

Letting Go: A Visualization for Parents

A visualization video for parents and caregivers on how letting go (in three different ways)

Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)

Simple mindfulness practices to help your child (ages 5-12) deal with anxiety, improve concentrat

Mindful Parent, Resilient Child: Strategies for Difficult Times

Resilient Parenting is a crash course in mindfulness-based techniques—reinforced by research from

New Breathr Version 3.0

Explore the newest version of this free mindfulness app developed by experts at BC Children’s Hospital Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and Centre for Mindfulness.

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Mindful breathing

Learn how to focus awareness on your natural breathing pattern, riding the wave of your breath in, and out.