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A Conversation on Mindfulness

With McKenna & Sabrina

The self-compassion workbook for teens

Mindfulness and compassion skills to overcome self-criticism and embrace who you are

The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens offers valuable tools based in mindfulness and self-compas

Planting Seeds: Practicing mindfulness with children

A complete overview of all of Thich Nhat Hanh's practices for children.

The Mindful Teen

Powerful skills to help you handle stress one moment at a time

Written by a BC Children's Hospital pediatrician specializing in teen and adolescent medicine.

Alphabreaths: the ABCs of mindful breathing

Children will learn their ABCs and the basics of mindfulness through playful breathing exercises.

Breathr App
Mindful Walking Meditation (4 min)

A mindful walking meditation by Dr. Joanna McDermid from BC Children's Hospital.

Finding Calm – Guided Breathing

Taking a moment to slow your breathing can help to manage anxiety and calm feelings of stress.

Finding Calm - Forest Visualization

This video guides you through a forest visualization exercise.

Breathr App
Mindfulness and Social-Emotional Learning for Children & Teens

The website provides evidenced-informed resources that educate the hearts of children.

Bringing Mindfulness to Children and Teens

Resources from Susan Kaiser Greenland, one of the leaders in bringing

Mindfulness: Youth Voices

Features young people discussing their experiences practicing mindfulness, how it has benefited t

Mind Yeti

A mindfulness app designed for parents, educators and clinicians working with kids.

Breathr App
Mindfulness for Teens

Mindfulness is all about living fully in the present moment, without judgement.

New Breathr Version 3.0

Explore the newest version of this free mindfulness app developed by experts at BC Children’s Hospital Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre and Centre for Mindfulness.

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Mindful breathing

Learn how to focus awareness on your natural breathing pattern, riding the wave of your breath in, and out.