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Mindful Healing - Interprofessional Practice Experience
Sandy Tatla, Director, New Knowledge & Innovation & the Centre for Mindfulness

What is Mindful Healing?

Mindful Healing is an eight session mindfulness course for health care clinicians, based largely on the pioneering Mindful Practice in Medicine program by Dr. Ronald Epstein and Dr. Michael Krasner and colleagues at the University of Rochester, along with influences from our own personal mindfulness practice and teaching, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, and the stream of clinical mindfulness-based interventions influenced by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). Mindful Healing draws from the field of narrative medicine with mindful communication, appreciative inquiry, and reflection exercises to explore topics that challenge clinicians, including secondary trauma, handling grief and suffering, and workplace relationships.

The intentions of Mindful Healing are to learn and practice formal and informal mindfulness skills that can impact our practice of medicine in three inter-related areas (Epstein et al).

  1. Quality of Care
  2. Quality of Caring
  3. Clinician Well-Being


Mindful Healing – an Interprofessional Practice Experience

By Sandy Tatla, Director, New Knowledge & Innovation

I was grateful for the opportunity to join the Mindful Healing for interprofessionals offering. I was able to expand my knowledge and understanding of mindfulness by learning approaches to integrate mindfulness in my day and reinforce the benefits of mindfulness practice. I appreciated the opportunity to learn with a small community of health professionals from different disciplines. While we each came with different levels of experience with mindfulness, there was valuable learning for all of us in the context of healthcare and our workplace.  I appreciated the instructors who embodied humility and compassion!

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