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It's In Your 'Hand'
Dr. Theresa Newlove, R. Psych

A More Mindful Hospital card deck was co-created by the BC Children's Hospital Centre for Mindfulness and its partners.  This project was a collective effort to support staff wellness and cultivate 'a more mindful hospital'.


deck snip


What is Mindfulness?

Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, with unconditional love. A practice that can be grown and developed by anyone. A community practice. A way of being in the world. A powerful ingredient for individual transformation, compassionate leadership, and systemic change. As Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh said, “Our quality of being determines our quality of doing.”


What Mindfulness is not

A purely individual affair. A quick fix. A minimization of the tremendous challenge and distress that we face as health professionals. A substitute for systemic change. A downloading of responsibility for systemic problems onto individuals.


A More Mindful Hospital Card Deck

We invite you to use these cards as opportunities for mindful reflection, individually or with your teams. The spirit can be one of appreciative inquiry - How are we already embodying mindfulness in our work together? The spirit can also be one of inspiration and aspiration - What are our hopes for a more mindful hospital, and what can we do to bring it to life? We don’t need to strive too hard or be “perfect.” We can also acknowledge doubts or barriers, and choose if, when, and how these practices are right for ourselves and our teams.


Mindfulness in Action

This deck was conceived in November of 2021 and it went through over a dozen iterations to what you are seeing today. The content was co-developed by the Centre for Mindfulness Council and its partners, which includes members of our hospital community from many areas including clinical front lines from multiple disciplines, operations, and research. Key partners and co-authors include Dzung Vo (Centre for Mindfulness, Pediatrics / Adolescent Medicine), Joanna McDermid (Centre for Mindfulness, Psychiatry), Theresa Newlove and the PHSA Psychological Health & Safety Team, Michelle Man (Consultant / graphic designer), Sandy Tatla (New Knowledge and Innovation), Children’s & Women’s Hospital Indigenous Health, Susan Poitras (ChildKind - PainCare 360) and Charlene Black (Centre for Mindfulness, Health Promo­tion & Health Literacy Team). Special thanks to: Ly Hoang for the calligraphy; Larry Yang for the loving kindness meditation; and our donors and the BC Children’s Hospital Foundation for making this work possible.


How do I get the A More Mindful Hospital Card Deck?

Please fill out this link to request a card deck

Request one for yourself or for your team!  Let’s cultivate A More Mindful Hospital together.


Additional Mindfulness Resources:

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