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Introducing Yuk'wa ko'pa tum'-tum, Our PHSA Peer Mindfulness Project
Dr. Theresa Newlove, R. Psych

Yuk'wa ko'pa tum'-tum is a Peer Mindfulness Project, designed to provide mindfulness on demand at PHSA. Created by your peers across the health authority, this library of mindfulness recordings can be accessed at any time. Consider starting or ending a team meeting with mindful moments or taking a pause in your day to become fully present, allowing your mind and body to settle and experience a sense of ease and wellbeing. The Psychological Health & Safety team would like to thank and acknowledge our colleagues across PHSA and the BC Children's Hospital Centre for Mindfulness for their collaboration and generosity. We welcome additional contributions to this mindfulness library by connecting with  Learn more about the service and how to access the Yuk’wa Ko’pa tum’-tum Library.

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