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Mindful Moments
Dr. Joanna McDermid, Associate Director, Centre for Mindfulness

The official launch of the BC Children’s Hospital Centre for Mindfulness was successful and highlighted our goal of establishing mindful community.

It takes commitment to practice mindfulness. It takes awareness and courage to change the way we do things, especially when we’re pressured or stressed.  This is where our breath and bodies can guide us and why establishing regular practice is important. 

 It may feel as though there isn’t enough time to reflect and there is a push to get things done quickly. We put our patients’ needs before our own and there’s little room for error. When things go wrong, we might feel stuck. Regardless of the experience, learning to care for ourselves in the midst of it all is necessary. We can take care by practising mindfulness, one breath at a time. We can remember that compassion and kindness are needed when we feel most vulnerable and that caring for ourselves can be transformative. We can choose to treat ourselves with the dignity and respect we treat others. 

We can be creative with finding ways to embed mindful moments into our day.  I particularly enjoy walking meditation.  Thich Nhat Nhat Hanh reminds us that there can be “peace in every step”- that could mean walking along the seawall or in nature. It could also mean walking down the hallway, going to meet a colleague or going to see a patient in the ER.

 As our mindful community grows, let each of us remember our own heart and reach out in the spirit of compassion and kindness.

Check out the Kelty Centre's Mindfulness Resources here:

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